Former model in Miami; Aida is now putting most of her passion and energy into her singing career. She is a very talented singer / songwriter, and if you haven’t heard of her yet, check her out (all the links you need are at the bottom of this article).
Aida is a strong, thoughtful and genuine woman that I’m lucky to call my sister. She is the type of person whose presence automatically makes you feel good; super fun to be around and soulful. I have too many things to say about this beautiful woman (inside and out), but here is what you must know about her: she is the sister you all wish you had. ?
Aida is a #darkskinqueen and here is her #lovetheskinyourein interview
I have a lot of faith in this battle to eliminate skin bleaching because I see changes in the way a lot of woman, and especially the young ones, think nowadays. They are more aware!
Can you describe yourself in few lines?
A young black African woman with a lot of ambition that just loves to sing and has a passion for fashion and modeling.
What do you like the most about yourself?
Hard to say, I just like to be me!
I personally believe that beauty shouldn’t have criteria but unfortunately, every society has its own beauty criteria that most people try to achieve.
In your opinion, what are the main beauty criteria in Senegal?
Hummm that’s a tough one to answer objectively… I also believe that there shouldn’t be any criteria to qualify a woman’s beauty! In Senegal though, I guess I would have to say weight in the right areas (wink), skin color, and hair… But times are changing and I feel like it is changing a lot! More and more people are taking better care of there bodies and trying not to gain unnecessary weight. Also being more aware of the dangers of skin bleaching as well as perm. A lot of women decide to go natural and there are a few groups of women that hold events to speak about natural hair.
Have you ever been told that “your skin is too dark”?
Of course! I’m more on the dark side and have been told or made fun of. But for me, I learned with time to love myself for who I am and build a minimum of confidence to get through it. Now, before anybody makes fun of me, I would do it myself and laugh about it! For pictures at night for example… lol I really believe that if you can embrace yourself, flaws and all, to the point where you can make fun of your own self, nobody can do it better than you so you leave them with NOTHING to make fun of or say!
It can be hurtful when it comes from a very mean place such as racism, but hey, I guess to me brushing it off is the best solution! You are who you are and not everybody is going to like you regardless. The most important is to love YOURSELF!!
I really believe that if you can embrace yourself, flaws and all, to the point where you can make fun of your own self, nobody can do it better than you so you leave them with NOTHING to make fun of or say!
You lived several years in the Miami and now its been 4 years since you live back in Dakar. Since you have been modeling in both places, how would you compare the perception of beauty in both cities ?
I’ve lived in the US for a while and have been back for 4 years now in my hometown, in Senegal. I haven’t modeled much here because of professional reasons and also the job title “Model” not being taken as seriously as it should by the society…
As far as the perception of beauty, Miami can be very superficial so the looks are very important there! I mentioned weight previously and being skinny with some meat in the right places is the perfect image in Miami, and in Senegal too but it is definitely much more acceptable not to be skinny in Senegal. Besides that I fell it is very much alike if you take into consideration the fact that Miami is very diverse with a population that is very Hispanic… Hispanics and Senegalese have a lot in common!
The most important is to love YOURSELF!!
We are now faced with the harsh reality that the push for light skinned women resulted in the bleaching creams being extremely popular. What do you think should be done to prevent this social trend from growing?
I think what should be done has already started being done. That would be educating people about the products they are using and also pushing young woman to embrace their skin color, themselves really! More role models are needed in the different communities. Also, local companies, who hire all these brand ambassadors should be more aware themselves of the impact that their decisions have on our youth by making sure they consider those factors! I have a lot of faith in this battle to eliminate skin bleaching because I see changes in the way a lot of woman, and especially the young ones, think nowadays. They are more aware! Thank God for the internet!!
Local companies, who hire all these brand ambassadors should be more aware themselves of the impact that their decisions have on our youth.
In Senegal (and many other African countries), its almost impossible to spend one day without being told that we should lighten our skin; whether it be through TV Shows, TV commercials or advertising boards almost everywhere in the streets. As the beautiful and confident woman that you are, what do you have to say to all young girls and women who end feeling bad about themselves because of an environment that viscously tells them that their dark skin is not OK ?
Well, for me, it’s very simple, I don’t watch TV that much and don’t pay any attention to those type of messages. But it is easier said then done! I think it all plays in the education, from home to the streets. We are all built a certain way and the bigger battle is to be able to accept yourself, love yourself (inside first), and then work on embracing yourself. And the most important thing about a person to me is how beautiful they are INSIDE! That is what makes you beautiful! It’s a plus to be also beautiful outside I believe… And don’t think being beautiful on the outside, will make your life easier… Every woman has her own battles and insecurities! So what I would say is focus on being an amazing woman, a warrior, break barriers and all that makes you a woman instead of your looks… Make up is here! It does miracles!! lol
Thank you Sister of mine !
Where to keep up with Aida —>
Instagram page : @aidasock | Youtube channel: Aida Sock | Facebook page : Aida Sock
To end this interview on a musical note, here is her song you must listen to : WITH YOU
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